
IPA: sˈipɪŋ


  • The act by which something seeps.
  • Liquid that has seeped.

Examples of "seeping" in Sentences

  • He lay against the stone wall, blood seeping from a wound at the back of his head.
  • Radioactive steam has been seeping from a pipe that is part the plant's emergency cooling system.
  • I was goin to make a comment about plankton seeping from the whales mouth, decided it was to grubby though.
  • Then he turned and headed down the hallway toward the sliver of light seeping from a crack in the bedroom door.
  • I did get word, late last night, that a certain seeping, pustulent herpes sore of a woman who is 77.9% responsible for my finally having had enough of Second Life is now trying to insinuate her way into an acquaintances sim.
  • There was also apple pie fresh that morning from the camp kitchen, potatoes and onions to boil, a cucumber on the side, and a big pot of cowboy coffee hot enough so I stopped worrying about the rain seeping around my shirt collar.

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