IPA: saɪzmʌgræm
- (geology) The graphical output from an accelerograph or seismograph.
Examples of "seismogram" in Sentences
- A seismogram shows the tremors from the Ripon earthquake
- And finally scientists compare the seismogram with earlier seismograms of similar events.
- Earthquake waves are recorded by a seismograph and the recording of waves on paper is called seismogram
- "We're just beginning to eke out every wiggle on the seismogram and what it's telling us," says Wallace.
- The seismogram from the Virginia Tech Seismological Observatory is also nifty, when their webserver isn’t swamped!
- Like the wonk he is, Vidale also broke the play down into a time series and compared it with the squiggles on the seismogram.
- The first indication of a nuclear explosion is when the actual seismogram differs from typical seismograms found in the region.
- Artist Luke Jerram has converted a seismogram of the devastating earthquake that took place in Japan in March into a 3-D-printed sculpture.