IPA: sˈɛɫfsˈeɪm
- (archaic) Chiefly preceded by the: precisely the same person or thing.
- Chiefly preceded by the: precisely the same; the very same; the same not only in being similar but in being identical.
Examples of "selfsame" in Sentences
- The selfsame jacket she wore to the party last weekend is now hanging in the back of her closet, forgotten
- He couldn't believe his luck when he stumbled upon the selfsame book he had been searching for all month at the used bookstore
- The selfsame melody played softly in the background, bringing back memories of a time long gone
- It was the selfsame song that had been stuck in his head all day, driving him to the brink of insanity
- The selfsame argument they had last week resurfaced, leading to another heated confrontation