
IPA: sɛmiɔtʌbaɪʌgrˈæfɪkʌɫ


  • Partially, but not entirely, autobiographical

Examples of "semiautobiographical" in Sentences

  • "Identification Marks: None" began a series of four semiautobiographical films, in three of which the director starred.
  • The interview also spends significant time on Feiffer's "semiautobiographical novel" for young readers, The Man in the Ceiling.
  • But there's no mistaking the nature of Alike's struggle, or the abundance of talent that's gone into the making of Ms. Rees's semiautobiographical film.
  • He was all of 21 when the movie was shot, and one year younger when he made "I Killed My Mother," his semiautobiographical debut feature about himself as a young homosexual.
  • What's the story behind "Ghost Light," Jon Moscone's semiautobiographical play that deals with the assassination of his father, San Francisco Mayor George Moscone, which will open in January 2012?
  • During the rest of the Herbst Theatre show, she sang tender songs by Gustav Mahler and Maurice Ravel, a moving version of Stephen Sondheim's "Send in the Clowns," and modern, semiautobiographical songs by Jake Heggie and Carol Hall.
  • Like undergraduates everywhere, we exchanged drafts of work; visited each other's studios; gifted stories, poems, and end-of-semester projects; wore too much black; organized readings; invited faculty to dinner; drank a lot of bad wine; stayed up all night debating aesthetics; and wrote semiautobiographical novels, Symbolist stories, and earnest poetry collections for our theses--some of them good enough to be published.

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