
IPA: sɛmʌnˈɛrɪst


  • (Roman Catholicism) A student training to be a priest at a Roman Catholic seminary.
  • (now rare) A member of a seminar.

Examples of "seminarist" in Sentences

  • Maréchal, seminarist at Maissin; the Rev. Father Gillet, Benedictine of
  • The last was a young seminarist, who set himself to compose a sermon in his sleep.
  • Descended from a Corsican family, this personage came to Rome when very young, about 1835, and at first became a seminarist.
  • Stendhal got the idea for it from an incident that at the time made a great stir; a young seminarist killed his mistress, was tried and guillotined.
  • In the pension there's a new lodger, an ex-seminarist from Seville with plenty of spirit, who brings in some impressive young ladies every now and then.
  • Now, the ex seminarist is M. Daudet's daily companion and literary agent; it is he who makes all the necessary arrangements with editors and publishers, and several of Daudet's later writings have been dictated to him.
  • Having found in the solemn headmaster of the College Saint – Louis a tutor to whom my uncle delegated his authority, at the age of eighteen I had gone through all the classes; I left school as innocent as a seminarist, full of faith, on quitting
  • Walsingham spies therefore frequently offered to carry letters for him, and eventually the treacherous Gilbert Gifford a seminarist who afterwards got himself made priest in order to carry on his deceits with less suspicion contrived a channel of correspondence, in which every letter was sent to or from Mary passed through the hands of Elizabeth's decipherer Thomas Phellips, and was copied by him.

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