
IPA: sɛmitoʊn


  • (music) A musical interval equal to an augmented unison or a minor second, depending on the context and tuning system used
  • (music) Any of the pitches of the chromatic scale

Examples of "semitone" in Sentences

  • The revolutionary sound is based on a system comprised of smaller divisions than a semitone.
  • Because the music has been made "bitonal" by moving the accompanying piano part up two semitones (a semitone is the difference between a "natural" note and a sharp or flat).
  • Not that there's any lack of huge, cavernous sound, and sound-effect; endless very slow, melody-free crescendos and diminuendos, uncanny thuds and knocks in the music's far distance, drones and whines and very-long-held notes that go up a semitone, stay there for a long time, and then slide back down again.
  • This possibility, whether or not avoiding a sense of tonic in either scale, is facilitated by the fact that all of the omitted tones in WT collection 1 are (naturally) 1 semitone from 2 tones in WT 2 (one above and one below), thus providing the possibility of the feeling or motivation of the half-step "pull".

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synonyms for semitonedescribing words for semitone

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