IPA: sˈɛn
- (Yorkshire, East Midlands) Self.
- A unit of Japanese currency, worth one hundredth of a yen.
- A coin of this value.
- A unit of Indonesian currency, worth one hundredth of a rupiah.
- A unit of Malaysian currency, worth one hundredth of a ringgit.
- A unit of length equal 20 wa, 40 meters.
- A surname from Bengali.
- A surname from Khmer.
- (UK, Hong Kong, education) Initialism of special educational needs.
- Alternative form of Sen.
- (obsolete) Alternative spelling of Zen. [(religion) A school of Mahayana Buddhism characterized by sudden enlightenment achieved by indirect means and principally associated with China and Japan.]
Examples of "sen" in Sentences
- Your 143 day old sen. is a liberal socialist who wishes to "spread the wealth".
- Okay, but what the heck is "sen" and why have both candidates used that non-word?
- Linnea's unwilling master, the pilot Iain sen Paolo, knows nothing about her secret.
- "He kin sen 'me back, but I isn't gwine stay wid 'em," replied Isaac, with his mouth full of food.
- Along the highways there are resting places like our post halts; these are called sen-mu Khmer, samnak.
- This kind of noodle dish is made only with the extremely fine-gauge, thread-like rice noodles called sen mee, and the broth is delicious.
- Dessutom sög förra inlägget som jag skrev ett bra tag sen O. O.engelskan var hemsk och när jag läser det nu hittar jag massor med stavfel.
- Nerves running inward toward the spinal cord and the brain are called sen'so ry nerves; those from the brain and spinal cord outward, mo'tor nerves.
- Now, if I don't agree with my church I find a different church, but Rev Wright is Sen Obama's mentor, (you hear the oratory influence in sen Obama's speaches,) and a cared for "old Uncle."
- May 23rd, 2008 5: 17 pm ET it does'nt matter if the supers go against the people and nominate obama because the people will write in sen. clinton in nov. and she will beat both obama and McCain. so all you clinton supporters write her in.