IPA: sˈɛnsɫʌsnʌs
- The state of being senseless; unsense.
Examples of "senselessness" in Sentences
- "senselessness" of those entrusted with its affairs, as threatening
- All that kind of senselessness is doing is serving to make Harris more sympathetic.
- It may have been senseless by our standards, but it was a kind of senselessness that we have to expect from people like them.
- Is it right to use these great historical events as triggers for personal development, or is it right to leave them in their senselessness and waste?
- Why, he thought, pleased as an overtired child with the fancy, in a sense they were always alone, shut up in a kind of senselessness -- just like us all.
- His mother called me several times and I was very affected by her story and the senselessness of having a man spend a quarter of a century in prison for theft of a cheap television.
- And not only had they found nothing, but they had plainly acknowledged that the very thing which made me despair -- namely the senselessness of life -- is the one indubitable thing man can know.
- Nay! my son was passing fair, and when thou sawest him thy fancy straight became thy Cypris; for every sensual act that men commit, they lay upon this goddess, and rightly does her name of Aphrodite begin the word for "senselessness"; so when thou didst catch sight of him in gorgeous foreign garb, ablaze with gold, thy senses utterly forsook thee.
- Increasingly, a new majority of American voters were energized and angered not just by the senselessness of U.S. actions in Iraq, but by a government that was largely alone among our allies in ignoring the well-established science on man-made global warming, or the lack of sanity in the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policies toward homosexuals.