IPA: sˈɛnsɪtɪzˈeɪʃʌn
- The process of making something sensitive.
Examples of "sensitization" in Sentences
- The food panel tests often yield false-positive results called "sensitization."
- This sensitization is unpredictable based on frequency or duration of freon abuse.
- Just like Chrysanthemum pyrethrins, it can cause skin sensitization (rash) in certain people.
- We found that long-term sensitization in Aplysia is similarly dependent on protein synthesis, whereas short-term sensitization is not.
- In 1972, Schwartz, Howard Cedar, and I found that stimulation of the pathway involved in sensitization increased the level of cAMP in the entire abdominal ganglion.
- Using a quantal analysis, we found that the synaptic facilitation characteristic of sensitization is presynaptic and that inhibitors of serotonin block this presynaptic facilitation.
- The association between soy consumption and peanut sensitization is not causal but merely a result of preferential use of soy milk in infants with a personal or family history of cow's milk allergy.
- Indeed, there's a well-established phenomenon called sensitization, or sometimes the whetting effect: if you picture yourself eating chocolate, your __________ for it increases, and such thoughts can cause you to __________ salivate.
- We had earlier found in Aplysia that long-term sensitization involved a persistent increase in the strength of the same synaptic connection altered by the shortterm process - the connections between the sensory and motor neurons of the gill-withdrawal reflex.