
IPA: sˈɛnsʌtaɪzd


  • Made sensitive, especially to some specific agent.

Examples of "sensitized" in Sentences

  • You become "sensitized" to fructose as time goes by, and more sensitive to its toxic effects as well.
  • "sensitized" - their bodies produce antibodies that are super-vigilant at attacking most available kidneys.
  • I think the revelation of the recent "Breaking Home Ties" forgery recently kind of sensitized us to look out for anomalies.
  • These tests can only show whether someone is "sensitized" to peanuts, meaning that their immune system has an abnormal response to the food.
  • I may have been "sensitized" because of my knowledge and prejudice of German history, but I just can't ignore ´certain things, like when my father-in-law calls me the "Hausdame" out of earshot.
  • A different threat is what's called antibody-mediated rejection, where patients increasingly are "sensitized" - their bodies produce antibodies that are super-vigilant at attacking most available kidneys.
  • Neither am I always satisfied with the ophthalmologist's dictum that there is a defect so slight as to need no correction, being well aware, as I have elsewhere pointed out, that even minute ocular defects are competent mischief-makers when the brain becomes what I may permit myself, using the photographer's language, to call sensitized by disease.

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