
IPA: sˈɛnʃʌwʌɫaɪz


  • (transitive) To make sensual; to subject to the love of sensual pleasure.

Examples of "sensualize" in Sentences

  • That the absence of feminine influence must tend to materialize, to sensualize, and to harden, must, we think, be admitted by all the thoughtful.
  • What! shall our senses alwafys possess the power, in some sort, to sensualize the soul, and our souls never be A Taste for Demtion, 195 be able to spiritualize the sennes?
  • There are few exotic locales filmmakers fetishize and sensualize more than India, particularly (but not exclusively) Westerners smitten by the country's sweaty, colorful surroundings.
  • In fact, I bet that once staff members of other cons read this article, you might actually be granted press access while others, who are generally known to sensualize it like, "Look at the freaks!", and we're a bunch of sex-crazed lunatics.
  • At the time of his death Michael Sorkin, New York architect and architecture critic for the Village Voice, described Buchsbaum as, "he remained true to modernism, but managed to sensualize it with soft and rich forms, textures and colors-his work was brilliant and his research, ongoing and open-minded."

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