
IPA: sˈɛnʃʌwʌs


  • Appealing to the senses, or to sensual gratification.
  • (not comparable) Of or relating to the senses; sensory.

Examples of "sensuous" in Sentences

  • The realm of the sensuous is the realm of individual things in space and time.
  • The feeling which thus enters as a factor into any sensation is known as sensuous feeling.
  • They might almost have been called sensuous, but this was not a man whose demeanor spoke of such things.
  • Poetic, elliptical pic unfolds in short, sensuous stream-of-consciousness-like scenes that evoke an interior world of emotion and sensation. "
  • His next task: Hone his unique vibe, which he characterizes as sensuous and seductive - with additional influences from popular music, rhythm-and-blues and alternative rock.
  • Are they powerfully sensuous, that is do they appeal strongly to the physical senses, of sight (color, light, and movement), sound (including music), smell, taste, touch, and general physical sensation?
  • The immediate perception of sensuous or material objects by our senses is called sensuous or empirical intuition, the immediate apprehension of intellectual or immaterial objects by our intelligence is called intellectual intuition.
  • There is a moment, in fact, when the instinct of life, not yet opposed to the instinct of form, acts as nature and as necessity; when the sensuous is a power because man has not begun; for even in man there can be no other power than his will.

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