
IPA: sɛntʌmˈɛntʌɫ


  • Characterized by sentiment, sentimentality or excess emotion.
  • Derived from emotion rather than reason; of or caused by sentiment.
  • Romantic.

Examples of "sentimental" in Sentences

  • “But isn't that what you call sentimental?” said Vincent.
  • You say 'the sentimental is always a got-up thing,' a 'do at the bottom of it.'
  • I went back to the Philippines with MacArthur on his final journey there in 1961, what he called his sentimental journey.
  • General Botha and General Smuts were ready to concede almost every material point, provided what they called the sentimental objection against race distinction was waived by the Indian community.
  • He would have liked to have left them behind altogether, and even tried to laugh Beth out of what he called her sentimental attachment to odds and ends; but as most of the things had belonged to Aunt Victoria, she took his ridicule so ill that he wisely let the subject drop.
  • We have already established in these (blog) pages that I don't think "sentimental" is a dirty word -- as long as the emotion is honestly earned, that I adore a good cry -- as long as I don't feel jerked around, and that I consider "old fashioned" a term of art, not an insult.
  • Whereas the term "sentimental" can be used more often than not to hint at an indulgence in the emotionality it can imply, when speaking of a movie it might refer to the film being used to pull on the heartstrings and provoke the tear ducts of the audience in a contrived and calculated manner.

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