
IPA: sɛnʌmˈɛnʌɫɪst


  • A person who is sentimental.

Examples of "sentimentalist" in Sentences

  • LOOKING at Mr. Thackeray’s writings as a whole, he would be more truthfully described as a sentimentalist than as a cynic.
  • But he can hardly be called a sentimentalist, as Greeley was, and there is nothing but sentiment -- gush and gammon -- in the proposed
  • The exquisite and the sentimentalist were the fashion, to be speedily followed, according to the law of reaction, by the boor and the satirist.
  • At the risk of being called a sentimentalist, I may say that I do not think I could kill famous people by any method that was not both quick and painless.
  • Page 279 he can hardly be called a sentimentalist, as Greeley was, and there is nothing but sentiment - gush and gammon - in the proposed League of Nations.
  • Ordinary men will always be sentimentalists: for a sentimentalist is simply a man who has feelings and does not trouble to invent a new way of expressing them.
  • The sentimentalist is the spiritual hypochondriac, with whom fancies become facts, while facts are a discomfort because they will not be evaporated into fancy.
  • For Burke was himself also, in the subtler sense of the word, a sentimentalist, that is, a man who took what would now be called an aesthetic view of morals and politics.
  • 'An honest rough heartiness Mr. Lewes will give you; yet in case you have the misfortune to remark that the heartiness might be quite as honest if it were less rough, would you not run the risk of being termed a sentimentalist or a dreamer?

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