
IPA: sˈɛpɝʌbˈɪɫɪti


  • The property of being separable.

Examples of "separability" in Sentences

  • Still, I very much doubt that Mr Pence knows what those separability conditions are.
  • The evidence of this separability is in itself significant in regard to questions of the organization of the neural mechanisms of cognition.
  • There are some interestingtechnical problems to be addressed in determining whether and how the notion of separability applies in the Bohmian framework.
  • On this view, mind and body are separable for Descartes; it's just that their separability is a consequence of the (different) fact that they are really distinct. [
  • This is the concept of Transmigration of Souls – reincarnation, 'scientifically' redefined as the separability of animate cause [vitality] from the matter it animates.
  • You know, present them thematically, ALONG WITH other related words and with the sort of word exploration and that would include “separability” issues that many other lexical items also deserve?
  • You know, present them thematically, ALONG WITH other related words and with the sort of word exploration (and that would include “separability” issues) that many other lexical items also deserve?
  • Technically, a multi-step budgeting process, in which the total level of spending is determined before the allocation of the total to individual budget items, is possible & appropriate if certain separability conditions hold in the objective function.
  • "Credible resolution would seem to require at least some form of separability, and arguably there is a case for some form of ex ante separation so that bank operations whose continuous provision is truly critical to the functioning of the economy can clearly be easily and rapidly carved out in the event of calamity," Mr. Vickers said.
  • If you understood what it means to have independently verified correlates, the key word being independent, as this relates to the philosophy of science, Duhem's proposals, the history of science, and simultaneously took the past successes of isomorphic reasoning seriously, you would understand why this separability is a strength, not a weakness.

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