
IPA: sˈɛpɝeɪt


  • (usually in the plural) Anything that is sold by itself, especially articles of clothing such as blouses, skirts, jackets, and pants.
  • (bibliography) A printing of an article from a periodical as its own distinct publication and distributed independently, often with different page numbers.


  • (transitive) To divide (a thing) into separate parts.
  • (transitive) To disunite from a group or mass; to disconnect.
  • (transitive) To cause (things or people) to be separate.
  • (intransitive) To divide itself into separate pieces or substances.
  • (obsolete) To set apart; to select from among others, as for a special use or service.


  • Apart from (the rest); not connected to or attached to (anything else).
  • (followed by “from”) Not together (with); not united (to).

Examples of "separate" in Sentences

  • They're just trying to push Hezbollah back and get as many weapons and what they call separate Hezbollah from their weapons and ammunition.
  • Of course, there's pride, and then there's pride, and most people seem better able than me to keep the sin separate from the normal human emotion.
  • He also discovered another state during his travels, the state of Eau Claire, which he identified as a separate state during a speech in Wisconsin.
  • The headlessee argued that they were not, because the headlease of the upper parts was not a lease "of a separate dwelling" but of many ­separate dwellings.
  • Purchas having considered some of the ships belonging to _single_ adventurers or subscriptions, which made separate voyages or parts of voyages, as _separate_ adventures.
  • On what he called a separate issue involving the 787, Fancher said the company was inspecting the company's test fleet of 787s after identifying a problem affecting the horizontal tail.
  • In connection with this fracture, reference must be made to a condition frequently met with, in which the epiphysial portion of the acromion is found to be separate from the body of the process -- _separate acromion_.
  • These forests occur from approximately 800m elevation on the western slopes of the Andes, and extend to the Pacific Ocean, excluding portions of dry forests and mangrove habitats, which we classify as a separate ecoregion.
  • "He was holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners:" not _separate_ in the sense of not eating and drinking with them, of not associating and conversing with them; but separate in the sense that he was not, like them, a transgressor of the law of
  • There are professional investors who are pressuring hedge funds to open up what they call separate accounts, which is -- which means that the -- the professional investors can monitor a little bit more closely what the hedge fund manager is investing in, whether he's veering from his strategy, whether he's taking on risks he promised he wouldn't.

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