IPA: sˈɛpɝeɪtʌd
- Detached; not connected or joined; two or more things stand apart.
- (of spouses) Estranged; living apart but not divorced.
Examples of "separated" in Sentences
- The technology can be separated from the literacy component initially.
- I don't have children but I separated from the Coast Guard about a year ago after 6 years in.
- Human capital claims are illiquid because they can't be separated from the human being in which they reside.
- Sometimes used for the objective after a verb or preposition, esp. when separated from the governing word by other words.
- Add the curry paste and fry for 5 minutes, until the oil has once again separated from the cream and it is quite fragrant, stirring frequently.
- The worthwhile will be separated from the worthless, the most challenging work will be identified while the jejune and the formula-riven will be duly ignored.
- You just do not hear about clergy from other denominations who have separated from the mother catholic church do the same, when the going gets tough, back to US. woodtrnr
- My sitting Tory, a real trougher, increased his share of the vote and majority in this wealthy part of the SE (just outside the M25 and separated from the London Borough of Bromleee by that marvellous orbital car park and the North Downs).
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