
IPA: sɛpɝˈeɪʃʌnɪst


  • A separatist.
  • (theology) One who believes that the human Jesus Christ was a separate being from the divine Christ.

Examples of "separationist" in Sentences

  • Justice Ginsburg was more the strict separationist.
  • Mrs. Obama clearly identifies herself with a 'separationist' view of race.
  • Esbeck has an unlikely ally in retiring Justice John Paul Stevens, a stalwart church-state separationist.
  • Most alarming is Michele Obama's use of the terms 'separationist' and 'integrationist' when describing the views of black people.
  • I believe, that in addition to docetists christians (who believed that Jesus only seemed to suffer), separationist as the followers of Cerinthus (c 100 CE), were the opponents of Ignatius in his letter to Trallians.
  • Taiwan independence is presented as "separationist" although Taiwan isn't and never was part of China....etablishing a local identity is labeled by the code-phrase "de-Sinization" although Taiwan culture retains all of its Chinese elements.
  • Romney's concern today has to be that, if the GOP nominates a second presidential candidate whose record on social issues is murky at best, more and more evangelicals will revert to their pre-Falwell separationist stance, declining to get involved in politics at all.

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