IPA: sˈɛpɝʌtɪzʌm
- A theory or doctrine which supports a state of separation between organizations, institutions, or other societal groups (e.g. between church and state) or between different political jurisdictions (e.g. a country and its former colony).
- The practice of treating members of different societal groups in a politically, legally, or economically different manner.
Examples of "separatism" in Sentences
- The issue of Basque separatism is central to the novel.
- Quebec separatism is an emotional issue, not an intellectual one.
- Basically separatism is an idea that will die with an older generation who continues to support it vehemently.
- Third, separatism is um foundational to fundamentalism, and it requires people who leave to be considered apostate.
- Nationalist-based fascism and separatism is not a Texas or Southern issue, it's the train that the Far Right is now riding in every region of America.
- The most recent polls indicate separatism is supported by only about one third of the population of Quebec, the lowest number in forty years, yet the Bloc got most seats.
- David Cameron, at the Scottish Conservatives Conference warned that the Union had never been in more danger and "the ugly stain of separatism is seeping through the Union flag"; what is the best way we, as UK Unionists, can prevent that stain from spreading?
- Cases where imposition of attempted imposition of monolingualism made no difference or made worse separatist tensions: 19th century Ireland (Irish almost wiped out by enforced English-only in the National Schools: made bugger-all difference to Irish desires for separatism from the UK, Kurds in Turkey, Kosovar Albanians in the 1990s.)