IPA: sˈipiʌ
- A dark brown pigment made from the secretions of the cuttlefish.
- A dark, slightly reddish, brown colour.
- (by extension, countable) A sepia-coloured drawing or photograph.
- (archaic, countable) The cuttlefish.
- (colour) Of a dark reddish-brown colour.
Examples of "sepia" in Sentences
- My Canon has built-in sepia, so I will stay away from it.
- Top tip: If your camera has a built in sepia effect, don't use it.
- Love may indeed still be hell, but here it goes down easy in sepia tones.
- Most of them are colored in sepia tones (shades of brown), to keep that historical feel.
- Spooky will be posting more photos of the house, the ones she took in sepia, and I'll link to those tomorrow:
- Having recently been reacquainted with them, we thought it would be fun to post another series, now in sepia.
- Bartolomeo di Giovanni Corradini, otherwise known as Fra Carnivale, painted an octagonal figure in sepia tones, evoking intarsiated wood.
- When For the Summer, a musical masterclass in sepia-toned regret, misfires and comes close to collapse, a heckler chastises him: "You mean to say you're not perfect?"
- It’s dusk and the colors are washed in sepia, but are still crystal clear as the camera starts low giving us a bottom-up, three quarter view of the lead shooter as he slowly stands and lowers his shooting arm while squinting into the opposite direction of the sun’s rays that are peeking out from behind his head.