
IPA: sˈɛpsɪs


  • (pathology) A serious medical condition in which the whole body is inflamed, causing injury to its own tissues and organs as a response to infection.

Examples of "sepsis" in Sentences

  • I learned that sepsis is the tenth most common cause of death overall, in North America.
  • She also had a blood infection -- known as "sepsis" -- that her body could not fight off.
  • Staph can cause skin infection as well as more serious conditions such as pneumonia or sepsis, which is blood poisoning.
  • Also known as blood poisoning, sepsis occurs when the body's normal reaction to an infection goes into overdrive, even in patients with weak immune systems.
  • Bacterial infections can cause a condition known as "sepsis," where the blood is poisoned by toxins, causing a high fever and the inflammation of vital organs.
  • The culprit is an acute, severe, systemic infection known as sepsis, which leads to septic shock, the onset and progression of which closely parallel the bodily changes seen during aging.
  • Her study looked at how much money 309 U.S. hospitals spent to care for patients with a life-threatening illness called sepsis in which the immune system responds so dramatically to infection that a number of organs start to fail.
  • Also known as gram-negative bacteremia and gram-positive bacteremia, sepsis occurs when infectious agents like bacteria or fungi or products of infection like bacterial toxins enter the body, most often through a wound or incision.
  • After Conaway was discovered unresponsive on May 11, manager Phil Brock first said that an overdose of painkillers was a likely culprit, but that theory was disputed days later by Pinsky, who said that there was no sign of an intentional overdose and instead the actor was suffering from pneumonia and the blood poisoning known as sepsis.

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