IPA: sˈɛptɪsˈimɪk
- Typical of or pertaining to septicemia.
Examples of "septicemic" in Sentences
- Physiologic management of septicemic shock in man.
- The pneumonic and septicemic were less seen than the bubonic.
- The three types of plague identified as such are: septicemic, bubonic and pneumonic.
- It is the mildest of three clinical forms of the disease, the other two being pneumonic and septicemic plague.
- Y. pestis is typically transmitted through the bite of an infected flea and causes bubonic and/or septicemic plague
- The septicemic plague was most rare and caused the victims body to turn purple due to DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation).
- There is nothing more easy to superposeas it were-two distinct diseases and to produce what might be called a septicemic purulent infection, or a purulent septicemia.
- It is quite possible that Pasteur was here dealing with certain septicemic streptococci that are now known to lose their virulence with extreme rapidity under artificial cultivation.
- The two ORFs downstream of hlyF share homology with the two aforementioned avian plasmids and a recently sequenced plasmid p1658 / 97 from a human septicemic hlyF has been identified in E. coli strains isolated from broilers
- This was an impurity, introduced, unknown to us, at the same time as the septic vibrio; and the germ undoubtedly passed from the intestines -- always inflamed and distended in septicemic animals -- into the abdominal fluids from which we took our original cultures of the septic vibrio.
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