
IPA: sˈɛptʌm


  • (anatomy) Either of the two walls that separate the atria or ventricles of the heart into left and right chambers.
  • (botany) A partition that separates the cells of a fruit.
  • (mycology) A partition that separates the cells of a (septated) fungus.
  • (zoology) One of the radial calcareous plates of a coral.
  • (zoology) One of the transverse partitions dividing the shell of a mollusk, or of a rhizopod, into several chambers.
  • (zoology) One of the transverse partitions dividing the body cavity of an annelid.
  • (biology) A wall separating two cavities; a partition. [(anatomy) A bony and cartilaginous partition in the nose, separating the left and right airways in the nose and dividing the two nostrils.]
  • (anatomy) Ellipsis of nasal septum.: the cartilaginous center wall of the nose separating the two nostrils. [(anatomy) A bony and cartilaginous partition in the nose, separating the left and right airways in the nose and dividing the two nostrils.]
  • (colloquial) Ellipsis of septum ring. or septum piercing. [Synonym of septum piercing.]

Examples of "septum" in Sentences

  • A tiny pit on each side of the septum is lined with nonfunctioning chemoreceptors.
  • This partition is termed the septum transversum, and is at first a bulky plate of tissue.
  • But a drop-pearl hanging to the septum is at least as pretty as the heavy pendants by which some European women lengthen their ears.
  • This inherited defect causes the muscular wall of the heart often the middle wall called the septum to be asymmetrically or irregularly enlarged.
  • I'm prone to ear infections of the supa-special nasty kind, and they often come hand-in-hand (or cochlea in septum, or whatever) with sinus infections.
  • The question is: the side, which I have had pierced before and know it looks good, or the septum, which is bolder and more minotaur-y but might not look as good?
  • Thus the notochord, the brain, the eyes, the heart, appear earlier in the ontogenetic than in the phylogenetic series, while, on the other hand, the septum of the auricles appears in the development of the higher Vertebrates before the ventricular septum, which is undoubtedly a reversal of the phylogenetic order.

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