
IPA: sɝɑfɪkʌɫ


  • (archaic) Seraphic: of or relating to a seraph or the seraphim; (by extension) pure and sublime.

Examples of "seraphical" in Sentences

  • Assisi, who "all seraphical in order rose a sun upon the world."
  • He spoke to them in the language that they loved, but in a tone of the most seraphical disdain and irony.
  • I cannot help thinking of him as if he were alive as much as ever, so unearthly he always appeared to me, and so seraphical a thing of the elements; and this is what all his friends say.
  • Who sees not, I beseech you, Theotimus, that this seraphical man who had so earnestly desired to be martyred and to die for love, died in the end of love, as in another place I have described?
  • Orlando fixed his eyes on the hilt of his sword as on a crucifix, and embraced it, and he raised his eyes and appeared like a creature seraphical and transfigured, and bowing his head, he breathed out his pure soul.
  • So that amongst the most seraphical illuminati, and the highest Puritan perfectionists, you shall find people of fifty, threescore, or fourscore years old, not able to give that account of their faith, which you might have had heretofore from a boy of nine or ten.
  • Now it is the same with the love of the Seraphim and seraphical men; for this has its repose in its continual movement of complacency, by which it draws God into itself, as if shutting itself, and of benevolence, by which it opens itself and throws itself entirely into God.
  • He doth hereby shew he hath yet a desire to the work of his own hands, in that he will have his oracles known to men upon earth; as elsewhere it is said of his tabernacle: "the tabernacles of God are with men;" and in what a transport doth Solomon break forth (l Kings 8.) in that seraphical triumph of joy: "Will God indeed dwell upon earth?"
  • That great servant of God, a man wholly seraphical, beholding the lively picture of his crucified Saviour, represented in a shining seraph, who appeared unto him upon Mount Alverno, was touched beyond what could be imagined, being taken with a sovereign consolation and compassion, in beholding this bright mirror of love, which the angels cannot satisfy themselves in beholding.

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