IPA: sɛrʌndˈɪpɪti
- A combination of events which have come together by chance to make a surprisingly good or wonderful outcome.
- An unsought, unintended, and/or unexpected, but fortunate, discovery and/or learning experience that happens by accident.
- The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
Examples of "serendipity" in Sentences
- The word serendipity comes from the Persian fairy tale
- The accidental discovery of a new idea is called serendipity.
- Not to actually equate Alberta's avarice in serendipity with slavery, of course.
- On January 28, 1754, Horace Walpole coined the term serendipity, which means finding something you're not looking for but which you nonetheless need.
- Cooperation with other more northerly atmospheric weather patterns or oscillations and a little serendipity is needed to get an exceptionally snowy winter.
- The word "serendipity" comes from the Persian fairy tale "The Three Princes of Serendip," whose heroes "were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things they were not in quest of."
- Put another, metaphorical way, American writers tend toward an expressive register commensurate with the open spaces and endless distances of our continent; Perec's magnitude is no less great, but his vastness is essentially urban, highly structured, and by necessity constrained, entailing complex negotiations and yielding delight in serendipity, surprise, and incongruity.