IPA: sɝˈin
- (poetic) Serenity; clearness; calmness.
- A fine rain from a cloudless sky after sunset.
- A female given name from English. A rare variant of Serena.
- (transitive) To make serene.
- Calm, peaceful, unruffled.
- Without worry or anxiety; unaffected by disturbance.
- (archaic) Fair and unclouded (as of the sky); clear; unobscured.
- Used as part of certain titles, originally to indicate sovereignty or independence.
Examples of "serene" in Sentences
- With a wave of his hand he blanked the desktop and looked up at her, his expression serene once more.
- She looked like a sleeping angel, her expression serene, her hair a disheveled waterfall on the pillow.
- Consider This: Spelling matters: Serena and Sarina look similar, but Serena has a positive first impression because its spelling conjures up the word serene.
- HOVERING ACCENT, a term sometimes used for the coordination of the metrical rhythm ◡ _̷ ◡ _̷ with the prose rhythm ◡ ◡ _̷_̷ as in "and serene air" (Comus, l. 4); the accent is thought of as 'hovering' over the first syllable of _serene_, 182.