
IPA: sɝˈinʌɫi


  • In a serene manner.

Examples of "serenely" in Sentences

  • Sangjo clapped, smiling serenely as his warding wall fizzled and vanished.
  • Mr. Barholm walked in serenely, sure that he ought to be welcome, if he was not.
  • "A lot of tugs like coming through on the slack tide," Mr. DiLernia explained serenely.
  • But he says this while serenely sitting on the porch overlooking the sunlit lake by his summer home.
  • That's the kind of serenely magical night it was, when friendship feels as solid as family, and family as light and untroubled as friendship.
  • Apparently, it appears "serenely" and then slides "invisibly, effortlessly away" - a feat which apparently makes it, a "modern icon of mobile style and design with an extra competitive edge."
  • Bernard Thouvenot, the state prosecutor, said easyJet could face the prospect of a €225,000 fine '' serenely '' after the carrier reported a rise in revenue to £607.5 million in the three months to December.
  • But she stood firm arguing that the Niqab helped her minimize materialistic distractions and focus more "serenely" on the spiritual endeavors she had committed her life to, including her charitable work for the poor.
  • In another era, Joe Frazier—"Smokin' Joe" to anybody who cared about boxing—might have perched serenely atop the heavyweight boxing division for a decade, his powerful punches and stolid visage epitomizing pugilistic grace.

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