IPA: sˈɪriʌɫ
- A work, such as a work of fiction, published in installments, often numbered and without a specified end.
- A publication issued in successive parts, often numbered and with no predetermined end.
- (computing, slang) A serial number, esp. one required to activate software.
- (UK) A unit of police officers equipped with shields to tackle a riot.
- (transitive) to assign a serial number to (especially of aircraft)
- Having to do with or arranged in a series.
- (of a person) Who performs a specified action or course of action repeatedly or regularly.
- Published or produced in installments.
- (grammar) Of or relating to a grammatical aspect relating to an action that is habitual and ongoing.
Examples of "serial" in Sentences
- They're very hesitant to use the term serial killer.
- I mean, are you using the term serial killer at this point?
- We're probably all familiar with the term serial killer, mass murderer and spree killer.
- Trans have code numbers and serial numbers the numbers for the one i put in are550 serial# cd-68-330746?
- Langton disliked using the term serial killer and mentioned it only once, but during the questioning the journalists were quick to bring up the Ripper murder case.
- COOPER: I talked to the captain in charge of this the other -- (UNINTELLIGIBLE) -- last night, who said that, I mean, they're not using the term serial killer yet.
- If the term serial entrepreneur suggests something a bit sinister, it's not without good reason-one does have to be a little crazy to start two, three, or as many as seven companies.
- DriveGet, serial, serial, % drv%; volume serial number msgbox, Drive = % drv% ` nNAME = % drivename% ` nStatus = % status% ` nType = % type% ` nCapacity = % cap% ` nFree = % free% ` nFAT = % fs% ` nSerialNumber = % serial%