
IPA: sˈɪriʌɫaɪz


  • (computing) To convert an object into a sequence of bytes that can later be converted back into an object with equivalent properties.
  • To write a television program, novel, or other form of entertainment as a sequence of shorter works with a common story.
  • To publish (a book, play, etc.) in regular instalments, e.g. in a magazine.

Examples of "serialize" in Sentences

  • To serialize a python object to a JSON string, call the serialize function:
  • Their is in-fact no current data bases for recording serializing ammo let alone to serialize ammo that technology hasn't been invented as of yet.
  • Getting permission to digitally serialize any of the Shojo Beat titles would probably require complicated renegotiation with the creators and original publishers.
  • a 'serialize' output that holds a element containing parameters for serializing the result body; possible serialisations would include serialising XSL-FO as PDF and SVG as JPEG, for example.
  • All law enforcement will have to destroy all of their ammo as it will not be serialize who is going to enforce the law on them. read the bills their is no mention that law enforcement will be exempt from this law.
  • Twitter just proves this new disorder by giving 140-character updates of just about anything — there is even an online magazine published in the Twitter format, and one author has even begun to serialize his novel using the application.

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