IPA: sˈɪriʌɫi
- In series, one after the other, as opposed to in parallel.
Examples of "serially" in Sentences
- In this case, only the digital values are "serially" shifted.
- Neither, in fact, are the programmers themselves, who have all grown up writing software to run on a single engine — serially, that is, not in parallel.
- If what Frank writes is even close to the truth (and his evidence seems overwhelming), George Polk was an impostor diligent in serially misrepresenting his war record.
- After Keller acknowledged that the Times was "serially" clearing its reporting on the leaks with the White House, Ross noted wryly that perhaps "one shouldn't go to The New York Times" to read what's in the leaks.
- A lot of the people who mailed me knew about, and mentioned, Lawrence Watt-Evans 'celebrated approach to his own version of this problem, in which he "serially" self-published his Ethshar novel The Spriggan Mirror, posting a chapter every time the PayPal donations from interested readers reached a certain point.
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