IPA: sˈɪriʌs
- Without humor or expression of happiness; grave in manner or disposition
- Important; weighty; not insignificant
- Really intending what is said (or planned, etc); in earnest; not jocular or deceiving
- (of a relationship) Committed.
- (colloquial, dialect) In a serious manner; seriously.
Examples of "serious" in Sentences
- She petted the friendly cat, her expression serious as she stared up at James.
- Her eyes were alert, her expression serious and self-conscious and beautifully placid.
- “Mother suffered?” the younger man asked, at great length, his expression serious again.
- The president spoke to reporters Wednesday and compared the controversy to a carnival, at what he called a serious time.
- COOPER: Richard, let's talk about consequences -- 1441 used the term serious consequences if Iraq failed to abide by the resolution.
- Pávlovna, there are things which must be investigated and fully understood before they can be talked about, things too serious, too serious ...
- New York lawmakers Wednesday criticized the city's plan to remove PCB-contaminated lights from public schools over a 10-year period, saying it is insufficient to address what they call a serious health risk to children.
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