
IPA: sˈɛreɪtɪd


  • Notched or cut like a saw.
  • Having a row of sharp or tooth-like projections.

Examples of "serrated" in Sentences

  • Using a sharp serrated knife and a gentle sawing motion, slice each layer horizontally in half.
  • With force, the claw slammed the right arm down, and a large serrated blade jolted out over the hand.
  • Slash a ¼-inch deep cross, "scallop," or tic-tac­-toe pattern into the top, using a serrated bread knife.
  • Using a well-oiled serrated knife or kitchen shears, make a 1/2-inch deep slash lengthwise down the loaf.
  • [This was of course a play on the typo for 'serrated', and I'm ashamed to admit that it took me FOREVER to get it.
  • This would include leg irons, electro-shock stun belts and inherently painful devices such as serrated thumb-cuffs.
  • With the Sabre, the Golem slid the serrated edge across the beast's neck and blood splashed all over the ground and pond.
  • The extinct whales called Squalodon have tusk-like front teeth and molars which have the outline of a leaf with a coarsely "serrated" edge.
  • Using a serrated knife, trim the top and bottom of the pound cake to make it about 1/1/4 inches thick Carefully split the cake in half horizontally.
  • Beyond that, two recent studies in other countries found that colonoscopy often fails to detect pre-cancerous flat growths, called serrated polyps, which tend to develop on the right side of the colon.

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