IPA: sˈɝvoʊ
- A servomechanism or servomotor.
- (Australia, New Zealand) A service station, being a place to buy petrol for cars etc., as well as various convenience items, with or without actual car service facilities.
- To control by means of servocontrol
Examples of "servo" in Sentences
- Ah well, the walk back netted me some water and a pie from the servo, which is essential at that part of the night.
- Stock Drive Products are designed for use where limited space and weight factors are important: such as servo drives to stylus or pen carriages in recorders and X-Y plotters, chart roll drives and counter drives.
- And this reporter finally had to ask one of the boys to define the word servo, just one of the jargon words the boys were throwing around as if they were long-time veterans of creating robots with an archeological bent.