IPA: sˈɛʃʌn
- A period devoted to a particular activity, e.g. the annual or semiannual periods of a legislative body (that together comprise the legislative term) whose individual meetings are also called sessions.
- A meeting of a council, court, school, or legislative body to conduct its business.
- (computing) The sequence of interactions between client and server, or between user and system; the period during which a user is logged in or connected.
- (cricket) Any of the three scheduled two hour playing sessions, from the start of play to lunch, from lunch to tea and from tea to the close of play.
- (obsolete) The act of sitting, or the state of being seated.
- (education) An academic term
- (beer) An extended period of drinking, typically consuming beer with low alcohol content.
- A surname.
- (music) Ellipsis of jam session. [(music) An informal gathering of musicians to play music, especially improvised jazz or a similar genre.]
- (music) To hold or participate in a jam session with other musicians.
Examples of "session" in Sentences
- The yoga session was invigorating and left me feeling relaxed and rejuvenated
- She attended a therapy session to work through her feelings of anxiety and stress
- The study session lasted late into the night as we prepared for our upcoming exam
- The online training session was informative and interactive, keeping the participants engaged
- He scheduled a coaching session to improve his leadership skills and develop a strategic plan for his business