
IPA: sˈɛvɝʌbʌɫ


  • Capable of being severed.
  • (law, economics) Capable of being separated.

Examples of "severable" in Sentences

  • The ruling says the "individual mandate," which imposes a fine on individuals who do not purchase health insurance, is unconstitutional and not "severable" from the full law.
  • But marriage is not severable from key quality of life issues, and, in fact, by advocating for full marriage, the gay rights movement has inadvertently pulled other issues further along with it.
  • And then: Over two thousand pages of laws certainly contain items (e.g., restaurant menu labeling, tanning taxes) that theoretically could have been enacted separately from the mandate, and might be considered severable.
  • But the main provision of Obamacare – turning privateinsurance companies into ultra-regulated public utilities – makes no sense without the individual mandate; it would not have been enacted without the mandate, and it is not severable.
  • But the main provision of Obamacare – turning private insurance companies into ultra-regulated public utilities – makes no sense without the individual mandate; it would not have been enacted without the mandate, and it is not severable.
  • Though bill sponsor Rep. Cory Gardner, R-Yuma, said state law already allows wind rights to be separated from the surface rights to a piece of private property, the bill would make the law explicit, allowing wind rights to be "severable" from surface rights.
  • The examples Shaw discusses include two ECtHR rulings under the European Convention for Human Rights, where reservations by Switzerland and Turkey were held to be invalid and severable, meaning that the ratification stood but the reservation didn’t, and a “highly controversial” General Comment by the — now abolished — UN Human Rights Committee under the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights.
  • The examples Shaw discusses include two ECtHR rulings under the European Convention for Human Rights, where reservations by Switzerland and Turkey were held to be invalid and severable, meaning that the ratification stood but the reservation didn’t, and a “highly controversial” General Comment by the — now abolished — UN Human Rights Committee under the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights.”

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