IPA: sˈɛvrʌɫ
- (obsolete) An area of land in private ownership (as opposed to common land).
- Each particular taken singly; an item; a detail; an individual.
- (archaic) An enclosed or separate place; enclosure.
- (archaic) A woman's loose outer garment, capable of being worn as a shawl, or in other forms.
- (obsolete) Separate, distinct; particular.
- A number of different; various.
- (law) Separable, capable of being treated separately.
- By itself; severally.
Examples of "several" in Sentences
- There were several books scattered on the table, each with a different cover
- We saw several cars parked outside the building, all of them shiny and new
- The party was attended by several of our closest friends, who brought laughter and cheer
- After searching for several minutes, I finally found my lost keys hidden under the couch
- The restaurant offered several options on the menu, making it difficult to choose just one dish