IPA: sˈɛvɝd
- Separated, cut off or broken apart.
Examples of "severed" in Sentences
- What, in that flash of instant when his brain was severed from the rest of his body,
- With the mandate severed from the bill, insurance costs will jump even faster than CBO expects.
- What remains after these molecular bonds are severed is methane, whose molecule contains only a single carbon atom.
- The collapse reached its lowest point in 1986, when the dollar lost 90% of its gold value prior to 1971, before the gold dollar was severed from the Jewish gold.
- When John McCain severed his ties with a group linked to ultra-right-wing death squads in Central America may make a difference, considering some of the literature associated with the US Council for World Freedom.
- "They were originally known as the Chicago Seven and a Half Men," said Hazelbaker, "But Obama's lawyer succeeded in having his case severed from the others and ultimately dismissed on the grounds that he was missing too much school."
- At the start, Munro has been severed from a dominant global communications network, the World Ear (WE): something akin to the popular social networking site Facebook, implanted into a person's head, allowing communications between people at vast speeds, with the ability to gather information as fast as can be thought up.
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