IPA: sˈuɝɪdʒ
- A network of sewer pipes that geographically transfers wastewater; a sewer system.
- (rare or nonstandard) Sewage.
Examples of "sewerage" in Sentences
- Mercer only looked at the tangibles, such as sewerage, education and health.
- It is going to take a considerable length of time to install any kind of sewerage system at this camp.
- Mamelodi; to improve on the provision of services such as sewerage and waste removal, as well as water reticulation.
- Co-operation for the Environment and Development (Danced) for specific environmental projects, such as sewerage and waste treatment schemes.
- Some make a greater concession; they admit that disagreeable or unhealthy work -- such as sewerage -- could be paid for at a higher rate than agreeable work.
- "The proliferation of refuse and indiscriminate littering had to be addressed before other services, such as sewerage and stormwater, could be restored," Hall said.
- Roads and bridges, public utilities such as sewerage, buildings and machinery, schools, hospitals and power supplies have all been severely damaged in the disaster area.
- "The Government did not want to see households which paid for water suffer ... (and) a suspension held the danger in that it could also cause damage to infrastructures such as sewerage," Dr
- The pollution of a stream as regards fish by a one hundred ton pulp mill is equivalent to the pollution thereof from domestic sewerage from a city of the population of one hundred and sixty thousand people.
- The amount of the council's capital programme for this year to the end of June has been increased by just over R13,5-million allowing for increased allocations to city infrastructure such as sewerage, water, storm drains and roads, Masondo said.