IPA: sˈɛksinʌs
- The state or quality of being sexy, of possessing the traits of sexual appeal.
Examples of "sexiness" in Sentences
- That brought a certain sexiness to our Sunday night with CBC.
- They ok but when sexiness is concerned Jake Gyllenhaal has them all down.
- I tend to think a lot of the handwringing that goes with teen girls and sexiness is gratuitous.
- So, maybe their sexiness is offsetting their religious morality, all inflamed while feeling sinful and cheating?
- And far be it from us to not recognize how sexual many of these covers are, even if the sexiness is unintentional.
- The sexiness is half the power of the movie, the other half is the transvestitism, both serving the central conflict.
- We all are drawn to the people in the room who radiate strength, confidence, and charisma which is another word for sexiness.
- In addition, part of your amazing sexiness is your monstrous computer knowledge - nothing says "Teh Sexay" like a sysadmin - so shouldn't you be able to clean up that dark, overly-saturated photo with a little Photoshop work?