IPA: sɛkstˈɛt
- Dated form of sextet. [Any group of six people or things.]
Examples of "sextette" in Sentences
- They needed one more girl to complete their sextette.
- This sextette was founded in Miami during the late '60s.
- Founded in 2000 as a duo, Audible grew to five members in 2005, then recently became a sextette.
- And the dividing of the sextette of girls was the dividing of the freshman class of Sanford High School.
- AnnualsNorth Carolina alt sextette Annuals comprises a Raleigh and Chapel Hill collective of youngbloods.
- I looked toward the Disk, still flanked with its sextette of spheres, still guarded by the flaming blue stars.
- To-day, however, not one of the sextette was in sight about the queer little brown house, and the whole place wore a deserted air.
- Three brass-bands, a company of six opera-singers, a Hawaiian sextette, and four youths who played saxophones and guitars disguised as wash-boards.
- You should settle this with your partner, and as supper is served at tables of parties of four or six, an agreeable quartette or sextette can be secured.
- Rome, 1994] this sixfold structure, especially in its form of the double triad, belongs to a primal structure of the material universe, to the so-called quark/antiquark sextette, which is itself the background of the atomic nucleus and the atomic force.