IPA: sˈɛkʃuʌɫ
- (biology) A species which reproduces by sexual rather than asexual reproduction, or a member of such a species.
- (LGBT) A person who experiences sexual attraction, a person who has interest in or desire for sex (especially as contrasted with an asexual).
- Arising from the fact of being male or female; pertaining to sex or gender, or to the social relations between the sexes.
- (biology) Capable of sexual reproduction; sexed, sexuate.
- Pertaining to sexual intercourse or other intimate physical contact.
- Characterised by sexual feelings or behaviour; possessing sexuality.
- Pertaining to sexuality as a cultural phenomenon; relating to sexual behaviour or conduct.
- (LGBT, of a person, rare) Experiencing sexual attraction; not asexual.
- (obsolete) Pertaining to the female sex.
Examples of "sexual" in Sentences
- The new health curriculum includes education about safe sexual practices
- The peer pressure to engage in sexual activity can be overwhelming for teenagers
- The media often portrays unrealistic expectations about sexual relationships
- It's important to have open and honest communication with your partner about your sexual needs
- The therapist specializes in helping individuals navigate past trauma related to their sexual experiences