IPA: ʃˈægbɑrk
- A North-American hickory (Carya ovata) that has shaggy bark in mature trees; shagbark hickory
- A West Indian leguminous tree, Pithecellobium micradenium.
Examples of "shagbark" in Sentences
- The shagbark tree in the backyard shed its leaves in the fall, creating a colorful carpet on the ground
- The shagbark hickory tree's distinctive bark made it easy to identify among the other trees in the forest
- The smell of the shagbark hickory nuts roasting in the oven filled the kitchen with a warm, nutty aroma
- Squirrels scurried up the shagbark tree, using its rough bark as a foothold to reach the tasty nuts
- The shagbark hickory is known for its delicious nuts, which are often used in baking and cooking