
IPA: ʃˈeɪkɪŋ


  • A movement that shakes.

Examples of "shaking" in Sentences

  • The mystery of ecstatic shaking has been called shaking medicine.
  • It is what they call shaking off the yoke, and they try to imitate this.
  • Walked the final 20 yards to my stand and climbed in shaking for awhile.
  • The entire system was deadlocked cause no one with the power to was really interested in shaking it up.
  • [Looks at watch, hastily tries to kiss her, succeeds only in shaking hand, starts across stage toward left.]
  • Flight attendant: “Well, the shaking is the turbulence that the plane is flying through, and the noise is coming from the engines.”
  • The advocacy group also uses the umbrella term "abusive head trauma," but says shaking is the leading cause of death in these cases.
  • Anyways, having escaped the second follower I managed to pick up in shaking off the first (and it was a crap exchange, the second being old and fugly,) and finally found my way out of the park, after a little more wandering and a brief return to Al and Heather's place, it was time for the gathering of the clan what I'd been arranging over Twitter and email.

Related Links

synonyms for shakingdescribing words for shaking

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