IPA: ʃˈeɪm
- An uncomfortable or painful feeling due to recognition or consciousness of one's own impropriety or dishonor, or something being exposed that should have been kept private.
- Something to regret.
- Reproach incurred or suffered; dishonour; ignominy; derision.
- The cause or reason of shame; that which brings reproach and ignominy.
- That which is shameful and private, especially private parts.
- The capacity to be ashamed, inhibiting one from brazen behaviour; due regard for one's own moral conduct and how one is perceived by others; restraint, moderation, decency.
- (transitive) To cause to feel shame.
- (transitive) To cover with reproach or ignominy; to dishonor; to disgrace.
- (transitive) To denounce as having done something shameful; to criticize with the intent or effect of causing a feeling of shame.
- (transitive) To drive or compel by shame.
- (obsolete, intransitive) To feel shame, be ashamed.
- (obsolete, transitive) To mock at; to deride.
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