IPA: ʃˈeɪmfʌɫ
- Causing or meriting shame or disgrace; disgraceful
- Giving offense.
Examples of "shameful" in Sentences
- He added a hash tag to his tweet with the word "shameful."
- Police say only a small number are indulging in what they call shameful behavior.
- Tonight, we're reporting on the president's blistering attack on what he calls shameful bonuses on Wall Street.
- The groups want Miyazawa to urge his guest formally to retract what they call the shameful "honorary white" label.
- The move came after after an ill-tempered Scottish Cup replay at Celtic Park on Wednesday which he described as "shameful".
- Phyllis was for one hour haughty and unforgiving over what she called his shameful neglect and, for another, in a fever of unrest to see him.
- The only thing shameful is the colossal failure of this weak president, his corrupt administration and the disgraceful democratic congress. gt
- What IS shameful is that too many people will support any kinda foolishness to soothe the gulps of hatefulness many often swallow in non-support of this administration.
- He went on to give an emotional, blistering indictment of the Democrats and Republicans, both parties, for what he described as a shameful attempt, in his words, to conduct a shameless -- to walk -- let me get this quote right.
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