
IPA: ʃˈeɪmɫʌsɫi


  • In a shameless manner; without shame; impudently.

Examples of "shamelessly" in Sentences

  • But he luffed the boat less delicately, spilling the wind shamelessly from the sail so as to prolong the tack to the north shore.
  • KG yet again shamelessly supporting angdesj - I think you two should start sending joint comments so we don't have to read the same thing twice.
  • Expelled, who use the term shamelessly to attack evolution, people on all sides of the political spectrum should rally around this call for change.
  • It is not we of the foreign community so many among our kin shamelessly call themselves "Gringos" as if they can "Step&Fetch" their way into their desired Mexican community by tap dancing their way in a la Birmingham Brown of Charlie Chan fame but I´ll tell you this.
  • But Jennifer Wurst - who lives with her partner in a rented, gray-shingled house in rural Maine, with rooms so spare and clean they could be the setting for a catalog shoot for the kind of high-end clothing Wurst cannot afford and would not buy anyway - uses the word shamelessly.

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