IPA: ʃˈeɪpɫinʌs
- (uncountable) The property of being shapely.
- (countable, rare) The result or product of being shapely.
Examples of "shapeliness" in Sentences
- The first thing stories do is give shapeliness and form to what might look random and chaotic.
- Pianist Mahesh Balasooriya, still in his twenties, imbued his solos with shapeliness beyond his years.
- If you walk into the village, you can hardly fail to look up at their wonderful shapeliness and sheer size.
- In each case the material put forward for consumption has a certain shapeliness, a self-awareness of its own patternings, and an underlying message.
- Everyone who knows anything about science fiction knows robots would never be sexually interested in other robots, regardless of the shapeliness of their chest cowlings.
- In short, he has that fuller, subtler, and more universal kind of shapeliness which the unthinking (gazing at pigs and distinguished journalists) mistake for a mere absence of shape.
- Similarly with Cather, Torrance doesn't mention the Wharton/James-inspired craftsmanship of Alexander's Bridge, the manipulations of perspective in My Antonia, the formal "shapeliness" of a book like A Lost Lady.