IPA: ʃˈɑrpɫi
- In a sharp manner.
- (to describe breathing) Suddenly and intensely like a gasp, but typically as the result of an emotional reaction.
- In an intellectually alert and penetrating manner.
- Severely.
- Of speech, delivered in a stern or harsh tone.
Examples of "sharply" in Sentences
- Klein moved the party sharply to the right.
- The population of the city decreased sharply.
- The college has sharply detoriorated in the recent days.
- The brim is narrow and often sharply upturned at the back.
- At the deepest point of the cutting the line curves sharply.
- Interest in inoculation declined sharply across the country.
- The appearance however sharply boosted sales of the product.
- The edge is sharply beveled and the bevel is typically convex.
- Beyond the buildings at the end of the lake the road drops sharply.
- The leaflets are lanceolate, serrate, to in length, and sharply toothed.
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