IPA: ʃˈætɝɪŋ
- The act of something that shatters; the shattered material.
Examples of "shattering" in Sentences
- And then she found that the shattering was the goal.
- Really earth shattering is this   SEO gets its own song on YouTube.
- In this particular instance, the sound of glass shattering is well over 120 decibels …
- Watching this "shattering" production, he confesses, "my face became streaked with tears."
- And when enough Riflemen had fallen the cavalry charge would split the weakened square with the ease of a sword shattering a rotten apple.
- It was granted to today's Nobel Prize winner, Professor Fermi, to succeed in shattering even the heavier and the heaviest elements in the Periodic System.
- The only way we’re going to rebuild after the present and coming political shattering is through honest reckoning, and taking responsibility for what we’ve done.
- While my comments today should not be construed as being earth shattering from a world perspective, the organization I represent, the Canadian Football League, has and continues to play a role in the shaping of our country.
- You honor the memory of three generations of Jordanians who gave their lives in defense of your country -- what Your Majesty has called the shattering toll in blood and tears, the waste of youth and the grief of our forefathers.
- Insane southpaw Bill "Spaceman" Lee once described Boston Red Sox baseball (pre-2004, of course) as high tragic opera, the kind of shattering long-running mental and emotional experience that leaves one with arms flung heavenward screaming, "Why, God, why?"