IPA: ʃˈitfɪʃ
- The wels catfish (Silurus glanis), a catfish, the largest freshwater fish in Europe.
- Other catfish of genus Silurus.
- Any of the species in family Siluridae, including:
- Wallago species, found in the Danube and other Eastern European rivers.
- Micromeria (syn. Micronema) spp.
- Phalacronotus species.
Examples of "sheatfish" in Sentences
- The sheatfish is a species of freshwater fish found in Europe and Asia
- Anglers often use bait such as worms or small fish to catch sheatfish
- The sheatfish is known for its long whisker-like barbels that help it sense food in murky waters
- Some cultures consider the sheatfish to be a delicacy and prepare it in various dishes
- Conservation efforts are in place to protect the sheatfish population from overfishing and habitat destruction